The Key Stage 4 Options Process at ECS
The Key Stage 4 Options Process at ECS
The options process is the start of a very important stage in your child’s education. They will be making key decisions about which subjects and courses they wish to study in Years 9, 10 and 11. (Key Stage 4 at ECS). They will also be thinking about their future education and career paths. This is a very exciting stage of your child’s future and, during the Year 8 Options Evening, you will have an opportunity to discuss the GCSE options your child wishes to study with the key members of staff.
Support and Guidance for ECS students
Support and Guidance for ECS students
Throughout the options process your child will have access to a support network. This includes the support you will give them at home, the Phase Team, including your child’s Progress Leader as well as their subject teachers and form tutor. We also have an in-school Careers Guidance and Development officer, Ms Pastore, and your child can make an appointment to see her. We recommend recommend your child uses this support network to help guide them.

Subjects studied at GCSE at ECS
Subjects studied at GCSE at ECS
Compulsory Subjects |
Optional Subjects |
English Language English Literature
Combined Science or Triple Science
Religion and Life
Core PE
Art Computer Science Drama Food and Catering Foundation Learning French Geography History Music Photography Product Design PE / Sport Turkish

More detailed information about the courses available at ECS can be found in the Year 8 GCSE Options Prospectus