ECS School Council
ECS School Council
At Edmonton County School, we believe it is vital that all students to have an opportunity to give their opinions on the quality of their school experience. We want issues that matter to students voiced and discussed, so that when we plan school improvements, we can ensure their thoughts and feelings are central to decision-making. For this reason, all tutor groups have representatives who make up the Student Council. They report back to the Progress Leaders for each year group on a variety of matters, such as teaching and learning, behaviour, rewards and the canteen. The School Council’s feedback is shared with the Prefect team (see below) and the school’s Leadership Team.

A recent Student Council meeting
The School Council have a variety of roles; for example, sharing ideas in focus groups, taking part in staff training sessions, giving guided tours to prospective teachers and parents, or indeed delivering speeches on open evenings. We work closely with the students in preparation for such events, helping them understand what it takes to give a professional account of oneself, so that they can envisage themselves as future leaders beyond the school gates.
Students are also encouraged to take on a wide variety of initiatives on anything that inspires them personally. For example, this year they collected funds to buy Christmas presents for a local care home and, most recently, through bake sales, raised money to support the relief effort after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
ECS Prefects
What is a Prefect? Being a school prefect is the highest student leadership position that a student can hold at Edmonton County School. Students are chosen through a rigorous application process open only to Year 11 students. Prefects are appointed following applications and interviews with the Progress Leader and KS4 Assistant Headteacher. There are also Senior Prefects and two Head Prefects on each campus, who are appointed following an interview which takes place with the Executive Headteacher.
What is the role of the Prefects? Prefects have a range of responsibilities ranging from delivering and planning pastoral curriculum activities, supporting at whole school key events throughout the year and acting as ambassadors for the school. They help support positive behaviour around the school and are seen as role models in their everyday interactions. Head Prefects have will have further responsibilities to present at key events throughout the year to students, parents and visitors as well as leading the Prefects in meetings and activities. Year 11 Progress Leaders will co-ordinate the work of the Prefects and meet with them on a weekly basis.
How can a Prefect be identified? Prefects wear a plain gold tie and prefect badge as part of their uniform. Head Prefects wear a Head Prefect embroidered gold tie and a Head Prefect badge as part of their uniform.
ECS Prefects 2024-2025