At Edmonton County we pride ourselves on the high level of pastoral care and support for all our students. Although we are a large organisation, with over 1800 students and around 250 staff making up our school community, our dual-campus structure means that the young people in our care have the experience of being in a caring and supportive environment that much smaller schools can offer.
On our Bury and Cambridge Campuses, we have cohorts of pupils in Years 7-11. In the Sixth Form, Year 12 are largely based at the Cambridge Campus, with Year 13 based at the Bury Campus, although Sixth Formers may be required to travel between campuses (a 10-minute walk) during the school day.
On both campuses, each year has a dedicated Progress Leader (Head of Year) supported by our team of Student Managers:

Form Tutors
In addition to the support from the Progress Leader, every student at our school is assigned a Form Tutor. The role of the Form Tutor is central in both caring for our students and, crucially, monitoring their progress both academically and socially, encouraging involvement, commitment, and high standards of work and behaviour. Form Tutors have a pivotal pastoral role within our school and are the first port of call for students wishing to discuss any issues or concerns.
At ECS, a Form Tutor’s role has a variety of aspects, which are included under the following headings:

In addition, we have:
• A Careers Guidance and Development Advisor (Ms Pastore) – click here
• A team of counsellors
• A team of behaviour mentors
• The Safeguarding Team – click here
In the first instance, parents should contact their child’s Progress Leader with any concerns they may have.