Why attendance matters:
Why attendance matters:
There is a clear link between pupils’ achievement and their level of attendance at school; 94% attendance equates to 12 days of absence per year which is on average 4 days per term. Pupils who are regularly absent find it difficult to catch up and can fall behind with their learning; research shows that just 17 days’ absence from school can mean a drop in a GCSE grade in all subjects. The routines children develop around attendance and punctuality at school are the same as the expectations of any future employer in the world of work.
It is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure their children attend school regularly and on time. Our Attendance Policy can be found by clicking on the link above.
You can be prosecuted if your child has unauthorised absence from school - truancy, help with getting your child to school, and legal action to enforce school attendance. Further information from the Government regarding school attendance and absence can be found at: www.gov.uk/school-attendance-absence

Poor punctuality is considered an attendance problem and is subject to the same interventions. School starts at 8.25am and students arriving after this time are recorded as late. If a student arrives late following an unavoidable medical appointment and has provided evidence of the appointment, this will be recorded as authorised absence. Being 5 minutes late each day equates to 3 whole days off school per year. Late arrival disrupts the education not only of the pupil who is late but of other members of the class too. Good punctuality to school and lessons enables a positive start to each lesson and allows the teacher to teach without disruption.
We understand that children are sometimes ill or unhappy about attending school. Families can be going through unsettled times that can make regular school attendance difficult. Problems with regular attendance, especially any concerns about possible bullying or learning difficulties, are best sorted out between the school, the parents and the student at an early stage. Parents are advised to contact the School Attendance Officer or Progress Leader in the first instance to discuss any attendance concerns they may have.
Reporting absence:
Every half-day of absence from school must be recorded by staff as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information about the cause of each absence is always required.
There are two ways you can report your child’s absence:
- email: ecsattendance@edact.org.uk
- phone: 02083603158 press 1
Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a reason such as genuine illness or other unavoidable causes, or when permission has been given. Only the school can authorise an absence.
Unauthorised absences are those which the staff at school do not consider reasonable and for which no permission has been given. These are an offence by the parent/carer and include:
- holidays and birthdays
- shopping trips and outings
- looking after brothers and sisters
- waiting for deliveries
- visiting relatives and friends
- lack of uniform
- translating for non-English speaking parents
- absences which have never been properly explained
- children who arrive at school too late to get a mark (30 minutes after registers close)
At Edmonton County School, we do not authorise term-time holidays.
Our term dates can be found here